
Brazilian workout for women

Brazilian workout for women

Lift, firm and strengthen your glutes with this Brazilian butt lift workout.

Brazilian women are known for their glamorous and shapely round asses.

They even sparked interest from both men and women.

Women want a round ass and many men find it very attractive.

Part of their well rounded and firm back is attributed to their work in the gymnasium.

And luckily, we can all add those glute-building exercises that can lift, firm and round your back.

The key here is that this is not an exercise that can flatten your buttocks.

In fact, it takes several.

This is because your buttocks and hips are made up of many different buttock muscles. The one who goes from hip to ass. One right around the butt, and the other around the hamstrings with the butt.

Creating a more complete behind consists of using several glute exercises that target each one.

To cover all the muscles in the back and target them effectively to shape your buttocks, I proposed a quick workout.

Brazilian butt lift workout that you can do at home or at the gym.

No equipment necessary and friendly for beginners, so make a room in your living room and get started.

Brazilian workout

Perform each exercise for the prescribed number of repetitions and sets. One thing I can't stress enough about the exercises is the importance of the shapes.

You must perform them in the proper form to be effective and avoid injury.

Please read the instructions carefully.

1. GLute Bridge

The gluteal bridge is an excellent butt movement that isolates and strengthens the posterior muscles.

This includes your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. What I like about this exercise is that you don't even have to get out of bed to do it.

How? 'Or' What:

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. The feet should be spread at the width of the hips. Tighten your glutes to lift your hips off the ground to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Pause at the top for 1 to 2 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Continue for 12 to 15 repetitions.

Fitness advice: make sure you don't over-stretch the upper part to avoid hurting your lower back. Also make sure to stay focused on your glutes.

2. Bodyweight squat

Bodyweight squat is an effective buttock exercise that you can do to tighten your glutes. It effectively targets the glutes, thighs, hamstrings and calves. You can do it anywhere and no exercise equipment is needed.

It is an exercise highly recommended by almost all personal trainers. Learn how to make a perfect squat.

3. Split bodyweight squat

This is one of the best butt and leg exercises you can do to develop your lower body. The split bodyweight squat works your buttocks, thighs, hip muscles and hamstrings. Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each leg.

4. Exercise Superman

This is another exercise that you don't have to get out of bed to do. The Superman exercise is a great exercise for beginners. It is also a good exercise to supplement all these crunches that you have made.

Superman exercise strengthens your lower back and tones your glutes. I do this exercise almost every day. Here are the instructions for that.

5. Side mini-strip

The mini-band lateral step is the perfect exercise for working the external thigh muscles. Not only will this exercise help you lift your gluteal muscles, but they will also work your knees.

You just need to get a mini group for them which costs around $ 3-5.

It's worth it and you can barely call this equipment. Here is how to do the mini-band side step.

Final note

These glute exercises are especially useful for building and shaping your glute muscles. But not only that, they also strengthen your hindquarters.

By working your largest buttock muscle, the gluteus maximus, you also get the benefit of toning. This is an area if you keep working on it, you will start to see it take shape, gain strength and gain firmness.

Do this workout a few days a week to get your own set of Brazilian buttocks.

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