
Plank vs Crunch: best exercise for abs and kernels?

Plank vs Crunch: best exercise for abs and kernels?

The plank and crunches are without a doubt two of the most popular exercises for the abs and trunk.

But have you ever wondered which ab exercise is most effective or best for you?

We'll be looking at both the crunches and the planks to see what muscles they work and what benefits each exercise brings to your abs workout.

Plank Vs Crunch

The board has gained popularity in recent years. The “30 day board challenge” and the “30 day crunch challenge” became the thing to do and attracted many dedicated fans.

The current trend seems to favor boards a little more than crunches. But before that, crunches and sit-ups were the exercises of the day.

Are planks just another trend in fitness? Let's find out.

While the plank and the crunch both work on the abs, they engage the mid section differently in several ways.

The plank requires isometric contraction or static support of the spine for the duration of the exercise. All the while, tightening requires spinal flexion.

It is the comparison between an isometric movement and a dynamic movement.

As for the target muscles, they have some similarities with clear differences in primary and secondary focus.

Crunch mainly targets the rectus abdominis, the front abdominal muscles and the obliques, both sides of your torso. Simply put, it effectively tones your front abs and shreds your waist. This is also the reason why the crunch is the front lining for all six to six abs workouts.

The plank also engages the right abs and obliques, but it also activates the shoulders, glutes and hamstrings. There is muscle engagement throughout the spine with a static grip.

Simply put, the plank exercise engages all of your core muscles and more.

A Penn State study shows exercises that stimulate the deltoids (shoulders) and the glutes activate the abdominal and lumbar muscles with greater intensity. It is the equivalent of a scientific will on how well the ab crunches and core work.

Why is Plank better than Crunch?

Does this mean that the board is winning? Is it really a better ab workout than crunches?

Although boards are not without drawbacks and crunches also have many advantages, boards come out on top in many areas.

To begin with, research indicates that the forearm planks trigger twice the average muscle activation in the rectus abdominus and external obliques compared to traditional tightening.

It also explains why more and more basic workouts these days include exercises that work the hips and shoulders.

Another reason the board trumps the crunch is that the planks are softer for your back than the crunches. For those with back pain and a weak back, flexing the back in tightening movements tends to be dangerous. It is just too easy to force and pull your back when the exercise is not done correctly.

This alone causes many personal trainers to turn away from crisis exercises for training clients' abs.

Finally, unlike dynamic movements, the isometric holding of the board requires constant muscle activation during exercise. Whether it's 30 seconds or a minute, the muscles in your abs and your heart should stay engaged throughout. And it is a unique advantage to make the boards.

The boards win! but here is the word of caution

The best exercises all include activation in the glutes and deltoids.

It is also obvious that hovering (board) exceeds the traditional crunch in both categories.

As with all exercises, there are progressions from each exercise that should be compared in further research, but holding a plank longer is not the best option for progression according to Dr Wayne Westcott PhD of Quincy College, Quincy , MY.

He states that to develop muscle strength, muscle fatigue is necessary within the anaerobic energy system, which takes approximately 60 to 90 seconds.

The key is how you progress your boards

  1. This means that holding a board longer is not the answer for core strength!
  2. Good news, it means that you can abandon this "6 minute plank plan" and work on one leg progressions instead to dynamically challenge the core.
  3. Train smarter, not more!

The real advantage of boards

  1. The advantage of making boards goes far beyond the aesthetic “six pack abs”.
  2. Traditional crunches may not be suitable for some due to lower back pain, trunk instability or injuries, so planks may be a better alternative.
  3. Like all exercises, it is the attention to detail in the technique that makes the board a basic training difficult.
  4. Plank exercise, when done correctly, can really impose the core, but poorly made planks can easily send most of the work down your back.

Bottom Line

In the end, are you looking for a flat stomach or just a stronger core?

While doing an ab exercise will help you get a stronger core, research shows that plank exercise will get you a stronger core faster.

However the facts are that ab exercises alone will not give you a flat stomach, diet and exercise go hand in hand to create a flat stomach.

The perfect board

Plank exercise Proven by many studies that plank exercise tones your abs better than crunches.

Perform up to 90 seconds to build a stronger core.

How to do:

Lie face down on the floor, feet shoulder width apart and legs fully extended. Bend your elbows and support your weight on your forearms.

Lift your hips and balance yourself on your forearms and toes. Tighten the abs. Your body should make a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 30 to 90 seconds.

Plank Take Away

Keep your boards under 90 seconds maximum. Instead, progress through the board variations from easy to difficult.


This number one ab exercise works your rectus abdominus, the six pack muscles and the obliques.

  1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Put your hand behind your head.
  2. Tighten the abs. Lift your chest by pulling from your abs.
  3. Your shoulders should be lifted off the ground after crossing. Return to the original position and repeat 8-10 repetitions to complete the set.

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