
Best exercises to lose belly fat quickly for men and women

Best exercises to lose belly fat quickly for men and women

Belly fat has been linked to serious health risks and is a predictor of many associated health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Being close to your organs promotes the ability of abdominal fat to actually link to your traffic. However, despite its significant detrimental effect, belly fat can be one of the most difficult types of fat to lose.

If you are someone who has attempted to lose belly fat in the past, you probably already know that losing weight alone does not completely eliminate it. Even doing hours of continuous targeted exercise - like crunches or even sit-ups assisted by a medicine ball alone - fails to completely burn fat through the abdomen.

One of the most stubborn fats to lose is stomach fat, also called visceral fat. But it is not impossible. You only need to use the most effective means to target your muscles, thereby increasing overall fat burning, if you really want to know how to lose abdominal fat.

Below we will share the top 20 exercises to lose belly fat, starting with the most effective ones. They are certainly effective individually, but what would help us lose belly fat quickly is to combine several.

1. Cardio exercise

Biking, swimming, running or rowing - choose your favorite way to get your body moving and make your heart beat! Cardio exercises are considered to be very effective in losing weight and boosting your loss of calories and fat around the belly. Be sure to aim for at least 45 minutes of movement per session. The reason is that for the first 20 minutes, your body depends on glycogen for fuel; any energy reserves needed after this period come from fat reserves.

Because visceral fat is more metabolically active than subcutaneous fat, this type is your body's product of choice for activating energy. Just be sure to keep your major muscle groups involved and keep sweating! If cardio isn't part of your lifestyle now, help us help you by choosing something fun - you're more likely to stick with it if it's something you look forward to!

2. Running

Weight-bearing exercises like running are great when you want to learn how to lose belly fat - and beyond!

It burns tons of calories, improves bone health, reduces the risk of diabetes and can also lower cholesterol levels. Over time, walking, jogging, and running help to lose weight and tone your whole body, including your abdominal muscles, legs, and arms.

This can be accomplished in just 30 to 45 minutes a day! Challenge yourself to go at a good pace, maybe even to circle around a medicine ball while you are walking, and aiming to increase your heart rate. On a rainy day, you can definitely hit the treadmill for similar benefits.

3. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT stands for "High-Intensity Interval Training". And research published in the Journal of Obesity indicates that it is the most effective form of exercise for reducing belly fat!

HIIT is designed with one goal in mind: to move your body with maximum effort for short bursts, alternating with another exercise that is not as intense in between. Known for its fat blasting magic, HIIT is by far the best way to stimulate cardio work in the fat burning territory. It's no surprise that many fitness experts consider HIIT to be the best exercise program for belly fat and fat loss.

You do not know where to start? Try to walk at a slow pace, and every five minutes, run as fast as you can for 1 minute, to get that heart rate. Repeat the intervals several times.

4. Jumping Jacks

You may be surprised to learn that one of the most classic exercises works wonders for stomach fat. This age-old movement is actually an excellent conditioning movement that also works to reduce fat. Set yourself the goal of doing 20 jumping jacks at least 3 times a week, maintain the intensity and soon you will see toned muscles and a thinner waist.

5. Strength Train

The gym classes tend to offer a wide variety of bodybuilding classes or you can search online if you prefer your gym and dumbbells or a medicine ball to the gym atmosphere.
Try to include at least 10 to 15 repetitions targeting the main muscle groups of the arms, legs, trunk and back, twice a week.

6. Burpee

Burpee is a full body exercise that will increase your blood flow, make your heart beat and tone your body.

It is an explosive workout with a combination of movements that takes you from the push-up position to a high jump. Burpees are fast. Not only does it quickly get you into the fat burning zone, it also hits all of your thigh, abs and arm muscles.

In fact, a study shows that a fast pace of 10 burpees is equivalent to a 30-second sprint to boost metabolism. If you're short on time, go for the burpees to get in shape.
How to make burpees:

Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart. Switch to the push-up position with your hands on the floor at shoulder width and extend your legs back. Correct the posture and do a push-up.

Quickly return to a standing position then jump to the ceiling in one movement. Complete 10 repetitions for 2-3 sets.

7. Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is an extremely popular calorie burning exercise for both men and women. To propel and control the momentum of the "bell" and its severity, the body recruits all of your core muscles and beyond to provide stability and support. In addition, it is a great workout for your arms, glutes, hips, hamstrings and even your lats.

It is a full body exercise with huge toning benefits which will help destroy not only the dangerous fat layer, visceral fat but also your excess body fat.

How to make kettlebell swings:

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hold a kettlebell right in front of you with both hands at arm's length. Keep a slight bend in your knees, hinge at the hip and shift your body weight in heels. Strengthen your abdominal muscles and contract your glutes.

In one movement, push your hips forward and swing your kettlebell up to chest height. Let the bell swing between the legs and repeat.

8. Mountain climbers

If you like burpees but want something more concentrated on your stomach to melt your belly fat, there is the mountaineer.

Mountaineers are a fast-paced dynamic board that makes your heart beat and intensely engages your abdominal muscles. Fortunately, this also results in a burning of belly fat and helps you turn your belly from flab to flat.

It is a movement where you hold your upper body still while you rigorously move your legs in the climbing movement. It's a movement that works your abs, your trunk, your glutes, your hamstrings and your hips.

How to do mountaineers:

Start on the high board with your hands directly under your shoulders. Form a straight line from head to toe. Prepare your heart and tighten your glutes. Insert your left knee into your chest as quickly as possible, then come back. Switch sides and continue to complete your set.

9. Overhead Medicine Ball Slams

Aerial medicine ball slams are great strength training that primarily involves your heart and abdomen. But the invigorating effects go beyond your waist. The ball slaps your triceps, shoulders, glutes, quads and calves, in addition to all of the muscles in your back.

Their gravity-defying motion also requires speed and power, a perfect blend that maximizes your fat loss and calorie burning. To lose abdominal fat, you must finally incorporate all of the cardio, strength, speed and power. The aerial clicks hit all of these and more to help you lose belly fat and tone your waistline.

How to make the medicine ball slam:

Take a heavy medicine ball with both hands. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bring the ball over your head and maintain stability in your body by engaging your abs and trunk.

Keep your arms straight, hit the medicine ball hard to the ground. While you click, keep your knees slightly bent to facilitate movement. Carefully put yourself in a squatting position to pick up the heavy ball and bring it up to your chest to repeat.

10.To make the Russian twists

Sit on a yoga mat with your knees bent. Slowly lean your upper body until your torso is at a 45-degree angle to the mat. Keep your back flat and your abs engaged. Keep your arms fully extended, bring your hands together in front of you.

Start slowly turning to one side using your abdominal muscles. Return to the starting position and turn to the other side. Continue alternating to complete 10 repetitions on each side.

11. Leg lift

Loose, flexible and warmed up by your walking and / or running? Great - now is the best time to do a leg lift
How to do the leg lift:

Start on your back, arms straight at your sides, palms down and just slightly positioned under your hips.

Keeping both legs straight, exhale as you tighten your heart and lift your legs together.

Aim for between 10 and 12 repetitions.

12. Standing belly press

This movement requires the use of a resistance cable or band with handles, which can also be useful for other exercises.

Find a place to anchor the group halfway, such as a door jam, or wrapped around a stationary object. Holding the handles firmly, move away so there is tension on the tape.

Keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands parallel to your chest, move the handles away from your chest until the arms straighten.

Arms outstretched, hold for 2 seconds then release. Work up to 10 repetitions.

13. Bike crunch

Next, in your quest for how to lose belly fat - abdominal cycling exercise. This type of crisis uses a cardio workout kick, which is an added benefit for those interested in overall weight loss.
How to do the crunch bike exercise:

Stay in the same starting position as for abdominal tightening, hands clasped slightly behind your neck / head.

Using alternate knees and elbows, first bring one knee to an opposite elbow while twisting your chest and exhaling. (For example, turn to touch your left elbow to your right knee.)

Aim to do 10 reps per side with a total of 20 reps in total. If you do it right, you will feel your heart rate go up!

14. Plank exercise

Another oldie-but-goodie for those who want to lose weight through building strength, the plank is a deceptively simple, but difficult, move to master for long periods of time.
How to board:

Start with your hands and knees, elbows aligned under the shoulders.

Keep the arms in place, move the feet back one at a time, as if to push. Your goal is to make a parallel line from your body to the ground.

Try to maintain this static position for 1 minute.

Once you have mastered the first 60 seconds, challenge yourself to maintain the plank position for 2 to 5 minutes in total.

Not only does the plank work your abs and your back, but static strength positions like this actually work all muscle groups in the body!

15. Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are almost as synonymous with the six-pack abs trainer. While the sit-ups by themselves do not build you chiseled abs or lose belly fat, they do much more than just target your abs. They engage the abdomen, trunk, chest and hips. In addition, they reach the area that most of the exercises will not reach, namely your lower abs. Add it to your training to fight belly fat and take advantage of its multi-muscle training.

If you have back pain, avoid situps.
How to perform situps:

Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees and keep your hands behind your ears. Draw your navel and lift your upper body until your elbows touch your knees.

Come back to the start with control and repeat.

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